It has you wrapped up, tied up
Tangled up in weed smoke
Locked up bonded up
In food you just eat up
Stirred up rammed up
All your sorrows just drink it up
Its all you can think about
All you wanna live about
It lies deep within your soul like the roots of the haunted oak
You’ll do anything to get your fix
Sell all your shit till you go broke
Nigga I’ll suck your dick just to get a toke
It’s keeps calling you and calling you
You life revolves around it
And everyone says you need help
But You can’t imagine your life without it,
without doing it,
without having it
It’s your all in all
How could you get rid of it
This shit makes you tick
Makes you get up in the morning and go to work for it
It’s like amercan express
You don’t wanna leave home without it
But does it really do all that it says for you
All your family and friends stop dealing with you
Your significant other is no longer feelin you
Damn they say “what do we do
To show you that the shit your addicted to
Is destroying you”
Fuck it you say let me do my thang
Let me smoke, snort or shoot up till the shit is coursing though my veins
Let me drink till I pass out night after night in the rain
Let me fuck any tom dick or Harry, Belinda Tamika or Sherry till I am HIV infected
Let me eat till my gut explodes or I am heavier than a train
Yod don’t know what I’ve been though
You don’t know my pain
It’s my choice to commit suicide
Whether it be by substance abuse, fucking abuse, eating my fat ass to death
Or taking a gun and blowing out my brains
This addiction is not about you it’s about cuirng what ails me
And until you can walk a mile in my shoes, my addiction is what makes me
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